Arrojadoa rhodantha var. occibahiensis P.J.Braun in Kakteen And. Sukk. 36: 115. 1985

Arrojadoa rhodantha var. occibahiensis P.J.Braun in Kakteen And. Sukk. 36: 115. 1985

Arrojadoa rhodantha var. occibahiensis P.J.Braun in Kakteen And. Sukk. 36: 115. 1985
Isotype: Brazil, Bahia: “W of the Rio São Francisco” [protologue, translated] / “W of Bom Jesus da Lapa” [isotype label at B]; “in dense dry scrub, at the margins of limestone rocks” [protologue, translated], Horst & Uebelmann HU 616 (B)
Type: Brazil, Bahia: “W of the Rio São Francisco” [protologue, translated] / “W of Bom Jesus da Lapa” [isotype label at B]; “in dense dry scrub, at the margins of limestone rocks” [protologue, translated], Horst & Uebelmann HU 616 (ZSS)
Taxon for this name