Cephalocereus melanostele Vaupel in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 50(2-3, Beibl. 111): 12–13. 1913

Cephalocereus melanostele Vaupel in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 50(2-3, Beibl. 111): 12–13. 1913

Cephalocereus melanostele Vaupel in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 50(2-3, Beibl. 111): 12–13. 1913
is basionym for Espostoa melanostele (Vaupel) Borg, Cacti, ed. 1: 112. 1937
is basionym for Cereus melanostele (Vaupel) Werderm. in Backeberg, Neue Kakteen: 72. 1931
is basionym for Binghamia melanostele (Vaupel) Britton & Rose, Cactaceae 2: 167. 1920
is basionym for Pseudoespostoa melanostele (Vaupel) Backeb. in Kakteen-Freund 1: 52. 1933
is basionym for Echinopsis melanostele (Vaupel) Molinari in Succulentopi@ 13: 19. 2015
is basionym for Cereus melanostele (Vaupel) A.Berger, Kakteen: 147, 338. 1929
Holotype: Peru, Lima: near Chosica, at the railway Lima - Oroya, stony ground with very poor vegetation, alt. 800 m, 15 Mar 1903, A. Weberbauer 2630 (B, in spirit: B 810006699)
Taxon for this name