Thelocactus beguinii N.P.Taylor in Bradleya 1: 113. 1983

Thelocactus beguinii N.P.Taylor in Bradleya 1: 113. 1983

Thelocactus beguinii N.P.Taylor in Bradleya 1: 113. 1983
is basionym for Rapicactus beguinii (N.P.Taylor) Lüthy in Cactus & Co. 7(1): 38. 2003
is basionym for Turbinicarpus beguinii (N.P.Taylor) Mosco & Zanov. in Bradleya 15: 81. 1997
is basionym for Turbinicarpus mandragora subsp. beguinii (N.P.Taylor) Lüthy in Kakteen And. Sukk. 50(11): 279. 1999
Type: México. Coahuila. F. Weber s.n., not preserved. Taylor's (1983) name Thelocactus beguinii is based on the original description of Schumann (1898). It should be noted that there is no illustration to accompany the description to propose a lectotype.1
Taxon for this name1. Aquino, D. 2021: Revisions of Epithelantha, Kadenicarpus, Rapicactus, Turbinicarpus – In: Korotkova N. & al., Cactaceae at – a dynamic online species-level taxonomic backbone for the family. – Willdenowia 51: 251-270.