Escobaria bella Britton & Rose, Cactaceae 4: 56. 1923

Escobaria bella Britton & Rose, Cactaceae 4: 56. 1923

Escobaria bella Britton & Rose, Cactaceae 4: 56. 1923
is basionym for Coryphantha bella (Britton & Rose) Fosberg in Bull. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. 30: 58. 1931
Lectotype (designated by Benson, L. D. 1982: 9631): United States of America, Texas, on hills of Devil’s River, 16 Oct 1913, J.N. Rose & W. Ficht 17991 (US: 1821125)
Taxon for this name1. Benson, L. D. 1982: The Cacti of the United States and Canada. – Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press