Melocactus nagyi Z.Mészáros in Acta Biol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 22(1–2): 137. 1976

Melocactus nagyi Z.Mészáros in Acta Biol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 22(1–2): 137. 1976

Melocactus nagyi Z.Mészáros in Acta Biol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 22(1–2): 137. 1976
Lectotype (designated by Majure, L.C., D.Barrios, Díaz, E., Bacci, L.F. & Piñeyro, Y.E. 2022: 10051): Cuba, [Granma Province], near the coast between La Mota and El Macío, on the steep southern rock walls of Sierra Maestra, southern coast of Cuba, [in label: Oriente [Prov. Granma] Sierra Maestra, La Mota], Jan 1975, Mészáros & Nagy s.n. (HAC: No. SV 27866, isolectotype: HAC No. SV 27867)
Taxon for this name
Melocactus nagyi Z.Mészáros in Acta Biol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 22(1–2): 137. 1976
1. Majure, L.C., D.Barrios, Díaz, E., Bacci, L.F. & Piñeyro, Y.E. 2022: Phylogenomics of the Caribbean melocacti: Cryptic species and multiple invasions. – Taxon 71(5): 993-1012.