Cryophytum N.E.Br. in Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 78: 412. 1925

Cryophytum N.E.Br. in Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 78: 412. 1925

Cryophytum N.E.Br. in Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 78: 412. 1925
is basionym for Mesembryanthemum subg. Cryophytum (N.E.Br.) Bittrich in Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 21: 72. 1987 ["1986"]
is basionym for Pentacoilanthus Rappa & Camarrone in Lav. Ist. Bot. Giard. Colon. Palermo 14: 64. 1954
is basionym for Perapentacoilanthus Rappa & Camarrone in Lav. Ist. Bot. Giard. Colon. Palermo 15: 21. 1956
Lectotype (designated by Brown, N.E. 1926: 2451): Cryophytum crystallinum (L.) N.E.Br.2
Taxon for this name1. Brown, N.E. 1926: Mesembryanthemum, pp. 241–249. – In: Phillips, E. P., The genera of South African plants: Mesembranthemum – Cape Town: Cape Times, 2. Gerbaulet, M. 2017: Cryophytum, pp. 369-377. – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer