V.B. Amoroso & R. Aspiras CMUH 00003545 (CMUH)

Preserved Specimen
CollectionCentral Mindanao University Herbarium (CMUH)
Type designations
Holotype (designated by Heinrich, V. B., McPherson, S. R., Gronemeyer, T. & Amoroso, V. B. 20091) of Nepenthes micramphora V.B.Heinrich, S.McPherson, Gronem. & Amoroso;

Derivation tree

  • Philippines, Mindanao Island, Davao Oriental Province, Mt. Hamiguitan, alt. 1300 – 1600 m, V.B. Amoroso & R. Aspiras CMUH 00003545
    • CMUH
1. Heinrich, V. B., McPherson, S. R., Gronemeyer, T. & Amoroso, V. B. 2009: Nepenthes micramphora (Nepenthaceae), a new species of Nepenthes L. from southern Mindanao, Philippines, pp. 1314-1319. – In: McPherson, S. R., Pitcher Plants of the Old World 2. – Poole: Redfern Natural History Productions