
Primary tabs


Pteroxygonum Dammer & Diels in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 36: 36. 1905 sec. Brandbyge 19931 wfo-4000032049
      Type: Pteroxygonum giraldii Dammer & Diels
  • 1. Brandbyge, J. 1993: Polygonaceae, 531 – 544. – In: Kubitzki, K., Rohwer, J.G. & Bittrich, V. (ed.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 2. – Berlin, Heidelberg & New York: Springer



A monotypic genus found in China. The genus was considered part of Fagopyrum (Haraldson 1978; Ronse Decraene & Akeroyd 1988) but molecular studies do not support this placement (Sun & al. 2008; Sanchez & al. 2009, Tavakkoli & al. 2010). Sun & al. (2008) suggested that this genus should be placed in Persicarieae but in Sanchez & al. (2009) the position is unresolved. In Tavakkoli & al. (2010) there is conflicting placement of Pteroxygonum depending on the gene region. Therefore, Sanchez & al. (2011) decided to place this genus as incertae sedis.