EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy - Demo Portal

This is a demonstration portal for the EDIT Platform Sandbox. Feel free to download the TaxEditor program (in the menu under Installation) and experiment with the Platform.

There are a number of EDIT Platform demonstration databases on two servers available on-line. To open them in the TaxEditor program, choose the CDM Servers edit-WS I or edit-WS II.

You can access the different data portals for the demonstration database on the respective servers here:  http://ws1.cybertaxonomy.org and http://ws2.cybertaxonomy.org

Follow the changes you make in the database directly in the dataportal (menu item Checklist). You do not have to log in at the data portal to look at the data.

Currently the demo servers are set up to allow parallel use of 5 databases with the same data, in order to support EDIT Platform workshops (the databases are numbered _01 to _05). Those called empty_demo let you start with a completely unpopulated database, the others contain content from several publicly available datasets (usually not in the most up-to-date stage, though):

  • Caryophyllales_demo contains data taken from the generic checklist of Caryophyllales
  • FaunaEuropaea_demo is the dataset of the Fauna Europaea checklist
  • Cuba_demo is the original dataset of the Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Cuba.

The Login for all demo databases is “admin” and the Password “00000”. During workshops, access may be restricted.

Please note that the demo databases are reset every night at 6:00 CET.