Echinopsis deminuta F.A.C.Weber in Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) 10: 386. 1904

Echinopsis deminuta F.A.C.Weber in Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) 10: 386. 1904

Echinopsis deminuta F.A.C.Weber in Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) 10: 386. 1904
is basionym for Aylostera deminuta (F.A.C.Weber) Backeb., Kaktus-ABC: 274. 1936 ["1935"]
is basionym for Rebutia deminuta (F.A.C.Weber) Britton & Rose, Cactaceae 4: 285. 1923
is basionym for Echinocactus deminutus (F.A.C.Weber) Gürke in Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 16: 103. 1906
Type: Argentina, Tucumán, near Trancas, alt. 2000 m; not preserved? (not found at P)1,2
Taxon for this name1. Hunt, D.R. 2006: The New Cactus Lexicon. – Milborne Port: dh books, 2. Ritz, C.M., Fickenscher, K., Föller, J., Herrmann, K., Mecklenburg, R. & Wahl, R. 2016: Molecular phylogenetic relationships of the Andean genus Aylostera Speg. (Cactaceae, Trichocereeae), a new classification and a morphological identification key. – Plant Systematics and Evolution 302(7): 763-780.