Arthrocereus itabiriticola P.J.Braun in Kakteen And. Sukk. 37: 237. 1986

Arthrocereus itabiriticola P.J.Braun in Kakteen And. Sukk. 37: 237. 1986

Arthrocereus itabiriticola P.J.Braun in Kakteen And. Sukk. 37: 237. 1986
Type: Brazil: Minas Gerais: “C Minas Gerais, in the mountains SW of Belo Horizonte, near the road towards São Paulo” [protologue, translated] / “Betim” [1 of 2 isotype labels at B]; “between itabirit rocks” [protologue, translated], 800-1000 m, Horst & Uebelmann HU 330 (ZSS, B).
B (boxed s.n.) (isotype): corp, ar, sp. – Locality given as “Betim”.
B (boxed s.n.) (isotype): corp, ar, sp. – Locality given as “SW Belo Horizonte, Richtung São Paulo”.1
Taxon for this name1. Eggli, U. & Leuenberger, B. E. 2008: Type specimens of Cactaceae names in the Berlin Herbarium (B). – Willdenowia 38: 213-280