Leuenbergeria portulacifolia (L.) Lodé in Cact.-Avent. Int. 97: 27. 2012 ["2013"]

Leuenbergeria portulacifolia (L.) Lodé in Cact.-Avent. Int. 97: 27. 2012 ["2013"]

Leuenbergeria portulacifolia (L.) Lodé in Cact.-Avent. Int. 97: 27. 2012 ["2013"]
is new combination for Cactus portulacifolius L., Sp. Pl.: 469-470. 1753
Lectotype (designated by Leuenberger, B. E. 19861): [illustration] "Opuntia arbor, spinosissima, foliis Portulacae cordatis," Plum. cat. p. 6. Specimen apparently lost. Linnaeus (Spec. pl. ed. 2, 671. 1762) refers to the illustration in Plumier, Pl. amer. fasc. (ed. Burmann, 1758) pl. 197, fig. 1, drawn from Plumier's collection
Taxon for this name
Leuenbergeria portulacifolia (L.) Lodé in Cact.-Avent. Int. 97: 27. 2012 ["2013"]
1. Leuenberger, B. E. 1986: Pereskia (Cactaceae). – Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 41: 1-141