Echinopsis serpentina M.Lowry & M.Mend. in CactusWorld 29(2): 95. 2011

Echinopsis serpentina M.Lowry & M.Mend. in CactusWorld 29(2): 95. 2011

Echinopsis serpentina M.Lowry & M.Mend. in CactusWorld 29(2): 95. 2011
is basionym for Trichocereus serpentinus (M.Lowry & M.Mend.) Guiggi in Cactology 3 (Suppl. II): 5. 2012
is basionym for Soehrensia serpentina (M.Lowry & M.Mend.) Schlumpb. in Willdenowia 51: 265. 2021
is basionym for Trichocereus serpentinus (M.Lowry & M.Mend.) Lodé in Cact.-Avent. Int. 100: 31. 2013
Type: Bolivia, Depto. La Paz, Prov. Muñecas, Carnata, below the village along a bridle path on the road from Charazani to Apolo (living material taken to Santa Cruz and pressed with the single open flower on 14 Nov 2008), 10 Nov 2008, Mendoza 3369 ((holotype, USZ, one sheet + piece of stem preserved in alcohol + one sheet photo; isotypes, K + photo, LPB + photo)
Taxon for this name