Pereskia bahiensis subsp. minensis N.P.Taylor & Albuq.-Lima in Phytotaxa 494(3): 294. 2021

Pereskia bahiensis subsp. minensis N.P.Taylor & Albuq.-Lima in Phytotaxa 494(3): 294. 2021

Pereskia bahiensis subsp. minensis N.P.Taylor & Albuq.-Lima in Phytotaxa 494(3): 294. 2021
Type: Brazil, Minas Gerais: Mun. Ninheira, 15°20’16”S, 41°45’01”W, dry agreste forest south of the town, west of Rua João Rocha Brandão (Ninheira – Berizal), 856 m asl, 23 Jan. 2021, Zappi et al. 5106 (holotype UB, isotypes UFP, RB).
Taxon for this name