Selenicereus grandiflorus subsp. hondurensis (K.Schum. ex Weing.) Ralf Bauer in Cactaceae Syst. Init. 17: 45. 2003

Selenicereus grandiflorus subsp. hondurensis (K.Schum. ex Weing.) Ralf Bauer in Cactaceae Syst. Init. 17: 45. 2003

Selenicereus grandiflorus subsp. hondurensis (K.Schum. ex Weing.) Ralf Bauer in Cactaceae Syst. Init. 17: 45. 2003
is new combination for Cereus hondurensis K.Schum. ex Weing. in Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 14: 147. 1904
Epitype (designated by Bauer, R. 2003: 461): Guatemala, Izabal, Lago de lzabal near Castillo de San Felipe, Bauer 8 (ZSS 21377)
Neotype (designated by Doweld, A.B. 2002: 432): Honduras. Altlántida: 5 miles east of Tela, 13 August 1934, Yuncker 5019 (MO-108719)
Taxon for this name1. Bauer, R. 2003: A synopsis of the tribe Hylocereeae F.Buxb. – Cactaceae Systematics Initiatives 17: 6-63 , 2. Doweld, A.B. 2002: – Sukkulenty 4(1-2)