Arrojadoa aureispina var. guanambensis P.J.Braun & Heimen in Kakteen And. Sukk. 31: 337. 1980

Arrojadoa aureispina var. guanambensis P.J.Braun & Heimen in Kakteen And. Sukk. 31: 337. 1980

Arrojadoa aureispina var. guanambensis P.J.Braun & Heimen in Kakteen And. Sukk. 31: 337. 1980
is basionym for Arrojadoa rhodantha var. guanambensis (P.J.Braun & Heimen) P.J.Braun & Esteves in Succulenta (Netherlands) 74: 81. 1995
Type: Heimen & Braun 80 – Brazil: Bahia: “in the further surroundings of Guanambi” [protologue, translated]; “flat rock plates in the shade of a tall scrub forest in a rather moist region”, 400 m, 6.1979 [collection cited as “H/B 80” in the protologue] (type herbaria: B (ex KOELN), ZSS).
B (ex KOELN) (spirit B 810013100) (holotype): fl, fr. – Notes: Part of the holotype, annotated as “Glas 1 von 2” [jar 1 of 2]. Collection data given as “HB 80 coll. 6/79 Bras.”.
B (ex KOELN) (spirit B 810013101) (holotype): corp, ar, sp. – Notes: Part of the holotype, annotated as “Holotyp” and “Glas 2 von 2 insges.” [jar 2 of a total of 2 jars]. Collection data given as “HB 80 coll. 6/79 Bras.”.
B (ex KOELN) (boxed 27654) (isotype): sem. – Notes: Collection data given as “HB 80”.1
Taxon for this name1. Eggli, U. & Leuenberger, B. E. 2008: Type specimens of Cactaceae names in the Berlin Herbarium (B). – Willdenowia 38: 213-280